Sunday, June 21, 2009


I was making some yummy Indian food today and used a hot chili.  I didn't wash my hands right after I put the chili pepper in and then I touched my face.  My lip, eyelid and cheek were on FIRE and got all red and puffy.  

I put yogurt on my cheek and eyelid because I had to keep making the food and that helped only a little bit.

I tried to take a shower but the pepper from my eyelid just got into my eye.  After the shower I put Aloe Vera gel all over one side of my face.  But really, the only thing that helped was just time.  


ThinkingBean said...


Unknown said...

Oh no, don't do that again. We used to always make these jalapeno poppers (cut pepper in half, smear with cream cheese, wrap with bacon and broil) and one of my friends really tore himself up like that. Peppers are so yummy but they'll getcha!