Monday, October 12, 2009


I have never really loved driving. But I could drive myself from home to college and to P's family's house. I moved to Boston (it is crazy to drive here!) and drove to work an hour to and an hour from everyday. Then P and I moved in together and he needed the car for work, and I could take public transportation to work. I much preferred the bus or getting rides from people anyway.

My fear of driving has steadily increased over the last few years. To the point where I might have a panic attack just thinking about it. Yikes!

So I'm working on a self-imposed intervention that I must drive whenever we go on long trips.
Today I had a very successful six hours driving back from Rochester with only a couple minor stresses.



Emily said...

Good for you! I have a little paranoia about driving too, especially on freeways. I'll drive myself on the freeway (usually when the freeway is the only reasonable way to get there or there's not enough time to take roads) but Jim usually drives when it's the two of us, especially when the trip involves a freeway. My nervousness makes him nervous. :)

Maria said...

I feel the exact same way including he panic attacks. The idea of getting my own car is not at all appealing. I have tried to do more driving just around town to get use to it though.

Unknown said...

oh my gosh, my daily commute would make guys crazy. There are certain parts where nearly every day I can count on a "close call". People are ridiculous. With the multiple stops we have now to drop off the boys it just isn't practical to take the bus these days but it was nice to sit there and listen to music or read, or just zone out. Good for you to face your fears - I do think it's good to maintain some level of comfort since you never know when you might have to drive...

Abolee said...

I am happy you could do that..
For me "driving" word itself is scary!!