Sunday, December 13, 2009

Every year at work we have a patient party and a staff party. We are asked to bring desserts for each of these events. Last year I did the easy thing and bought one of the boxed mixes. It's quick and pretty tasty. But this year I really wanted to make something from scratch, something that we used to make when we were kids. For many years my sister, Mom and I would bake loads of cookies. We made several types of cookies and they were all delicious!

I asked my Mom for one of the recipes. For some reason I never asked for this particular recipe before (but I have several of the others already).

Grandma's molasses cut out cookies!

I can't believe I have missed out on these cookies the past several years. The recipe makes 6 dozen, which seems like a lot. But really, you can never have too many cookies at Christmas. I couldn't stop myself from snacking on the dough and eating a couple cookies when they were done. Ya know, just to be sure they taste OK.

There's something mysteriously wonderful about family traditions. The familiar smell and taste of these cookies brought back some strong and happy feelings. Just sitting in my kitchen I felt peaceful and whole.

And also a little too full of cookie dough.


Melissa Blair said...

I love baking Christmas cookies! It is so much fun to do with the kids! What did everyone think of your cookies?

Anonymous said...

Sounds great! Can you e-mail me the recipe? Love, George...

B said...

The cookies were well received! For the Orthotists I work with I decorated the stocking cut outs like leg braces. :) ha, ha

yellowinter said...

Sounds so lovely. Even a non-baker like me ended up getting pillsbury dough and bunch of decorating stuff for the big boy just so I can start some kind of tradition and excitement. Maybe next year I will have enough wits about me to bake something from scratch. :). Hope you are feeling better now. :(