Sunday, September 05, 2010


On our honeymoon P and I had breakfast served to us in our room every morning. I think that it just came with out tour package. And it was the most delicious breakfast I have had. And I can't tell you just what it was about that breakfast.

Maybe because we were on our honeymoon, or the food was traditional American food (a break from our delicious Indian dinners), or the coffee was made in a small pot just for us with steamy hot milk. But I think it may be that it was nice to have someone bring you a meal to your room, set it down on the table with a smile and you get to chill in your robe or p.j.s AND not wash any dishes afterwards.

(OK, so I promise to move on from talking about P and I so much. But we did just have a lovely anniversary weekend in Maine. On to different topics next week.)

1 comment:

Maria said...

I feel like breakfast is the only meal where I don't want to very outside of the American food norm. By the time Steve and I got done on our honeymoon all I wanted to eat for breakfast was a f-ing bagel. Apparently they don't have bagels in Italy, only cream cheese for toast.