Thursday, September 02, 2010

Four years later

Another year has passed since P and I tied the knot! We lived together before we got married and had fairly well merged our lives. So, what's the difference about being married? I wasn't sure that there would be any difference. But after we came back from our honeymoon and got into the rhythm of life again I realized that things did change.

There is something deeper between us, something that I can't quite explain. The love that we have has grown and changed into something more meaningful. We are in this thing called life together no matter what.

I want to thank you all again for your love, support and enthusiasm about our relationship. Our families and friends have so much to do with the passion we have for the world at large which reflects back onto our relationship and makes it even stronger.

Yes, I am sappy and emotional. But I believe in love, in the connections we make with family and friends and the joy felt because of those conncetions.

Thanks P and all for making our world a wonderful place!

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