Thursday, September 23, 2010

Confessions of a Nervous Shiksa

So I finished Confessions of a Nervous Shiksa early this week. It was fun, definitely in the category of chic lit. I appreciate it for the humor and the affirmation that I DO NOT want a career in the entertainment business, EVER. Unless I'm doing PT with someone famous for a movie (that could be fun). I just can't believe all the crap that is considered end of the world important, need to be seen and wear ridiculous clothing etc.

Also made me glad P and I don't come from extremely different religious backgrounds and didn't have to deal with converting or the possibly of converting for one or the other. I would imagine that is extremely stressful. In fact both of our families were saints helping us plan our wedding. No life altering conflicts involved.

So, read it. It's good on the bus/train or waiting for the bus/train or in any other situation that you don't want to focus too hard and want a decent laugh.

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