Saturday, September 11, 2010

I'm Still Here

Last night we saw the documentary "I'm Still Here" about Joaquin Phoenix's exit from Hollywood society and acting. Casey Affleck directed and produced along with J.P. (as his calls himself in his attempt to become a hip hop artist). There are convincing cameos by P. Diddy and Ben Stiller and rather convincing rants and rages by J.P. saying horrible things to his friends/assistants/entourage. So I still don't know. Was this all a big joke?

If it is a joke it is hard to tell that it is, and is a brilliant commentary on the pressures of Hollywood, the media, acting in general and the ego that is buoyed and crushed simultaneously by it all. If it is NOT a joke it is a brilliant commentary on the pressures of Hollywood, the media, acting in general and the ego that is buoyed and crushed simultaneously by it all. And it makes me really sad.

1 comment:

B said...

So they let the cat out of the bag merely a week after the movie opens. It is a hoax, a big fat hoax. A brilliant one, an interesting film. I will never see JP the same.